The Way Found of Formula

on Selasa, 14 April 2009

Before show our how for get numeral phi, before that numeral determine our phi it poise. Phi numeral Rate exist two chance radian degree bottom phi rate is hundred radian eighty and phi numeral rate that distinct is three… fourteen. Because of that I will show numeral phi that dear three… fourteen. Numeral this banal phi used for search broad coil and circular coil. East world Bottom phi rate mould frequent taken three and for kwadratura coil, papyrus Rhind present phi rate three per four four. And rate his actuality bottom phi betwixt two hundred twenty three per seventy one and twenty two per seven and bottom decimal figure two is actual for three…fourteen.
Formula a b c is formula that used for search roots from any square affinity. Exist pula fashion distinct for decide roots from square affinity by variable or by complete square celestial. In these I will show how fashion get formula a b c. example exist any ax square affinity ax2 plus bx plus alike c by chiper. First move to joint hamper. Joint, second divided by plus third, a. second joint by complete square celestial by add b per square a two. the left, joint Forth variable our and joint hamper sum our by equate divisor. Joint, second fifth root square become x plus b per two alike a by lack above root square from b square reduction by c a four per square a four. Come of eventually become alike x by minus b lack above root square from b square reduction c a four divided by two a.
For search broad canton that limited by alike y by x square and alike y by x plus two bound, first bound to up and nether bound from second affinity it, by affinity second characterize domain bottom that kartesius or affinity second equate that. focus drawing, breadth integral from drawing kurve that exist at up reduction by kurva that exist at nether. Supposing by affinity second equate, become x square minus x minus two alike by chipper. variable, produced x one alike by minus one for nether bound and x two alike by two for bound up. So broad canton it alike by integral minus one come to two from x square minus x minus two dx.
Volume cone. produced from one division three volume a tube one division three phi finger-finger square mutiplycation catapult.or can seek our by use any volume object surround. Example our make any streak at any domain coordinate by driblet (0,R) and driblet (H,0), R set finger-finger and H catapult. After our make affinity, affinity inte our y2 by chiper nether bound and bound up R dx
For prove that segi bottom amount random three his bend-bend hundred eighty can our make any segi three by split segi four at streak diagonalnya. For example that convenient, square extensive, bar our at flank diagonalnya. Tahu Our that bend-bend at square extensive is elbow-elbow or hilt three hundred sixty. His so is a segi elbow elbow-three, erroneous one his bend is elbow-elbow. bend example that diimpit by streak diagonal is a and b. a plusb is elbow elbow-bend. So evidently that segi elbow elbow-three have his bend amount hundred eighty. And it all bear for segi three random.
Probalytas his occur figure amount above from six from eye fruit two dice that trow one time viz first event decide our his universal after event that want our. can sought by event that desirable divided by his universal event. For above case exist his universal event threety even six especially exist eleven. So problitasnya is eleven per threety six.
For streak affinity decide that pass driblet (10,0) and injurious coil x square plus y alike square by Nine can our use formula(xx -a)(1 - a) + (yy - b)(1 - b) = r2. A Rate alike by b, rate ten alike by chiper
For proved postulat Pythagoras example a cage bujur by flank a plus b, after iris our six component became cage bujur two with flank a and cage bujur by flank b with segi fruit four elbow elbow-three by a base and catapult b. bujur broad same cage by flank a plus b by broad just now component six.
For search numeral amount bizarre two hundred first above convenient by use role notasi sigma. square n amount from alike n by two hundred come to by not determinate.
For paint or make cube that known constituent-his constituent domain,draw first frontal compatible by measure that asked. Bend, make second simpangannya and streak flank simpangannya compatible by comparetion that has given. Third, dwell our join streak-streak that coalesce.

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